EMP game Wiki

EMP Game is a free online space-themed MMO strategy game from EMP Studio.

NOTICE: This wiki is currently undergoing a heavy rewrite to include more information and better cross-referencing. We hope this will result in a more helpful resource for EMP Game players. During the process you may encounter some inconveniences (e.g. broken links, incomplete articles, inconsistent layouts). We thank you for your patience!

Featured Articles
  • Plot - The main plot and missions
  • User Interface - A primer on the EMP Game interface
  • Civilization - Civilization refers to the expansion territory and development of infrastructure within EMP Game. The user's civilization progresses in several ways simultaneously. The early game focuses on construction of buildings. Later it becomes possible to expand beyond the player's starting world and colonize other planets and eventually other planetary systems.
  • Warfare - Ships, anomalies, SotA, PVP
  • Technology - List of technology
  • Buildings - List of buildings
Useful Resources
  • Jargon - A list of acronyms, abbreviations and other unofficial terms.
  • Tips - Miscellaneous hints and tips for success in EMP Game
  • Strategies - Larger strategies for gameplay
  • Alliances - Advertise your alliance here

Latest activity
